Foglia D'Oro

Webflow Development
Interactions & Animtions
Complex CMS

Foglia D'Oro is a wholesale exporter of flowers and foliage from the world's largest flower market, and they know the know-how. We collaborated with Neue World to build an experience that does justice to these majestic flowers.  In partnership with Neue world

While winning awards was not one of the goals of the website, it did receive recognition on top sites like Awwwards.

The most intriguing aspect of the website was its simple yet elegant animations, which were inspired by a client's video demonstrating the growth of flowers. We developed unique scroll animations by customizing the easing effect through multiple iterations to match the same effect.

Key highlights:

  • Figma to Webflow development
  • Webflow animations and interactions
  • CMS-powered landing pages for SEO.
  • Featured on Awwwards

Interested in seeing what we can do for your website?

Contact us to learn more about our Webflow services.

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